
Great hair styles for school?

I straighten my hair everyday because my hair is just fluffy..and I usually wear it down because if i put it up hair sticks up everywhere..does anyone know any good hair styles for school? please tell!!Great hair styles for school?
2 low ponytails

2 low braids

French Braids

Messy Bun

Half up messy bun

Half up Braid

Down with headbandGreat hair styles for school?
if you just make some big curls but natural looking thats always cute. you dont even need a curling iron. you can use a straightener.

Okay I have one little tip for you.......Don't straighten your hair everyday!!!! It can dry out your hair and really can't do anything. If you think you have damaged it already try using dove damage control. Try doing low ponytails and it may not stick up then.

