
Newe hair styles for the new year! Help! What is in style?? Thanxx!?

Well me and my friend want new hair styles. We have long hair and straight. Mine basic split down the middle w/layers and my friend's is layer w/side bangs. (mine is dark blond and hers is dark brown almost black)

So what are some kool hairstyles or ';in'; styles now? We are up to anything that sounds good and pics would help!

ThanxNewe hair styles for the new year! Help! What is in style?? Thanxx!?
Do something fun with your bangs, maybe? Blunt bangs:


Or a cute little side-swoop:


The first girl on this pic:


Or you could taper the ends and get a BOB, if you're feeling brave:


Or a pixie cut? (Again, you need courage!)


More ideas... get a perm?

Or... you could braid your hair into about four or five braids, using all your hair, and keep it overnight. Take it out in the morning, and you will have crimps/waves!

Another fun one: Make a messy bun!

1. Take a brush and comb it back at the top so that the top of your hair is teased backwards. Then with the brush tease the sides of your hair. With your hands, smooth your crown and spritz with hairspray. Repeat the brushing and smooth it over with your hands.

2. Gather your hair with both hands and put it in a high ponytail, smoothing out the bumps carefully while moving your hair up your crown. Do this by flipping your hair upside down and gathering all your hair in one spot. It's helpful to use a paddle brush for this step.

3. Secure the bun with one of the following methods, depending on the thickness of your hair and the size of the elastic:

* Tie your elastic around the center of the circle. It will look like you have a small donut in the middle of your head with hair sticking out from the back of it in all directions.Stick the hair that is sticking out into the same elastic.

* Wrap your elastic twice around your hair, then pull your ponytail half-way through the elastic. Pull some bits and pieces out from inside the half-ponytail so it's hanging down. You may also want to leave out wisps around the nape of your neck.

* Secure your elastic around your hair tightly into a ponytail. Coil your hair around the base of your ponytail as if you were putting it in a ballerina bun. Flatten the bun to your head and secure with an elastic. Try pinning it with bobby pins- when done well, this helps the look a lot. Pull out bits and pieces and shake your head until you achieve the desired effect.

* Pull hair back into a ponytail, then backcomb it (hold the bottom of your ponytail and brush UPWARDS towards the elastic) until it is quite fluffed up, then spray with some hairspray.If your hair is quite long, wrap it around the base of your pony a little,then secure it with an elastic; but if your hair is shorter you can just secure the bun with another elastic after folding the end of your pony back against the beginning. Then gently brush the bun to pull out a few tendrils of hair.

* Comb hair back, and make a low bun. Then, make a bun out of the bun. Tie with an elastic, making sure the bunned-bun stays in place, and doesn't tumble out into a ponytail.

* Put an elastic (while still holding onto the ponytail with the left hand) around your right wrist. Lift your right hand so that its right by the ponytail. Make the left hand grab the pony, and let go of your right hand. With your left hand grab the elastic on the right hand and pull so it wraps around the pony. Tug the elastic very far and tightly twist, so that the left hand will now be inside the elastic. With the right hand again, tug the elastic to the right so it wraps around but instead of what you did last time, stop in the middle of the dangling hair and twist. Now your right hand should be tight in the pony. With your left hand, grab the elastic off your right wrist and pull so that it stops at the messy buns end.

4. Accentuate your hairstyle by doing any of the following:

* Run your fingers through the front of your hair to loosen it from the elastic and add texture.

* Slide in a thin black headband two inches back from your hair line. Slide in a second thin black headband three inches behind the first one. If you have blond hair, use two black headbands or darker colored headbands. If you have brown or black hair, try using white headbands or a different light colored headband.

5. Mist your entire head with hairspray. While spraying the hairspray make sure you spray it about seven to eight inches away. This will help your messy bun stay put longer.

Or try a French braid:


Hope you're inspired with those ideas!Newe hair styles for the new year! Help! What is in style?? Thanxx!?
I seriously don't think you should do anything TOO drastic, but here's what I recomend for you. Get angles starting a little below cheek bone. That's what I do and it is just SOO kute. It especially looks great parted to the side so that one side has all the angles. It's adorable, trust me. I also suggest you both get light blond highlights. ON you it lightens up your blond making you look prettier. For your friend the light against the dark is adorable, make em really chunky. I wish I could do that with my hair. And keep the side bangs at my school the are wicked popular.
umm pics of you would help but here is some ideas


but really with dark hair the only changes are some highlights.. but like colours like red.. example jordin sparks



uhh the new thing with blondes is short so..



hope I helped GOOD LUCK
I had long hair for the longest time. I just cut it short like rihannas old hair cut. Its amazing!! I love it and it looks great! I would do that.
Well to make your hair different I think you will need a picture to see iof it suits your face.
side bangs

shoulder length

a LOT of layers. kinda like a razor cut.
I heard that buzz cuts are cool on a girl.
Layered hair and side bangs :-)
anything shoulder length. side bangs are cute..
baldness... its easy and hot hot hot

