
EASY hair styles for a 13 year old girls?

im 13 in 8th grade have long hair that goes to the middle of my back and is medium thickness and pretty straight

i need some hair styles that i can in the morning and that are quick and easy

please help

add pictures to if u have any

thanksEASY hair styles for a 13 year old girls?
lol i have the same hairr .

i put my hair in alot of different ways

UP:BACK;; Put your head back and grab it all with a thin hairband on your wrist... Once you have it all in the hand with the wristband, grab the wristband and tie it around... lol basic steps

But it should be like in the back and not in a high pony tail... it would look cute.

Cut yourself some bangs.http://www.womensbeautylife.com/albums/L/a>

like that kinda... so when you put it up, your bangs fall down

ANOTHER WAY , Scrunched;;

if you have gel, you can wet your hair, not too much so its driping, just a little damp.

Put gel in your hands and rub it around, when its all over our palms, grab your hair and squeeze it. Hold it for like 10 seconds and let go, you'll see your hair is curlier, do that all over.

ANOTHER WAY , Scrunched and half tied up.

Have half you hair up, like the hair above your ears are in a clip, scrunch the rest of your hair.

ANOTHER WAY , Straight

Straighten it with a straightener

ANOTHER WAY , scrunched and bangs straight

IF you have bangs - Tie up your bangs so you dont get any gel in your bangs. Scrunch your hair and then when your done, straighten your bangs

Play with your hairr .EASY hair styles for a 13 year old girls?
if your looking for a cute everyday hairstyle to try out these tutorials. they are awesome. ;D




I am 13 too! I usually wear my hair down straight or scrunched... but if u wear it down just make sure u have like a pretty headband.. it looks pretty plain if u don't. Your Welcome:)
oh a swing bob will look realy good and it is easy iam thirteen also and if you dont want it to short try layers

