
Good hair styles for thick hair?

I have very thick hair and its about an inch below my shoulders. If i dont straighten it, it becomes poofy and it doesnt look good. I was wondering if there was any other ways of wearing it that might look good with thick hair

Also if there are any products that might reduce the poof and make it more manageble then please give me the names of those too. Good hair styles for thick hair?
I use the products of the Straight Sexy Hair collection. Even if I don't straighten my hair for the day it takes a lot of the poof out of my hair so its normal sized. If you have wavy or curly hair you could gel it so it holds the curl or wave. Thats the look where your hair still looks wet. I'm not very fond of it but I use it when I'm out of time to style my hair, at the beach, or at the pool.Good hair styles for thick hair?
here is a good hair do if your in a hurry , wet your hair lightly with water , using a spray bottle works best , put your hair in a ponytail , then with the tale hanging in the back , twist it and loop it up so the ends are up at the back of our head , get a hair clippy about 3 -4 inches long and clip it in place , you could use bobbypins before the clibby if your hair needs secured a little tighter , then with the ends of your hair sticking up style them with gel or moose . how ever your taste is . if im rushed for a formal dinner or something i twist the ends to make it look dressy , if im just hanging with friends , i mess the ends up to give it a fun/crazy girl look

THAT'S MY HAIR TUTORIAL :) it's a simple cute hair bump. You can add curls...
cut it like Rhianna or Hilary Duff when she was on Lizzie McGuire

