
What hair styles can be done with a long straight hair??

1) Braid hair loosely %26amp; secure w/ elastic. Twist braid into very loose bun. Secure w/ bobby pins.

2) Wear pony tail low %26amp; conceal elastic by wrapping section of hair around it. Secure section w/ bobby pin.

3) Bun: http://www.ehow.com/how_17117_make-moder/a>

French twist: http://www.ehow.com/how_17116_make-frenc/a>

4) Tease a section of hair about 2/3s back from your front hairline. Pull hair into a ponytail. The teased section will create volume. Obscure the elastic by wrapping a section of hair around it %26amp; securing it w/ a bobby pin.

5) French braid - http://www.ehow.com/how_17115_french-bra/a>What hair styles can be done with a long straight hair??
pigtails r sexyWhat hair styles can be done with a long straight hair??
All the hair styles possible. With long hair your options are un-limited.
Long straight hair is the best kind of hair for styling, and u can wear a different style each day of the week.the easiest is pony tail,then goes brades,you can wave some locks of ur hair on the top(small amounts),u can iron ur hair up,curl your hair with babyliss or add some colored strips of artificial hair between your hair(very fancy).and heres a very easy one for a quick sexy look : if uve got layered hair this will work best,just after a shower(ur hair should be towel dried) bend down so that all your hair falls down, add a LITTLE wet gel or mousse to your hand and wave it in your hair,then blow dry your hair with quick movements of blow drier.then stand up and look at your sexy hair.its like uve been working on it for hours.
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